FOCUSED Photography and Social Media Workshop

Are you a small business owner or beginning blogger who desires to grow their business? Learn how photography and social media know-how can bring your business to the next level at the upcoming FOCUSED Photography and Social Media Workshop.

Noemi Hedrick, a photographer with over a decade of experience, and Cate Mezyk, lifestyle blogger and small business owner, will teach you the ins and outs and tricks of the trade in a way that makes the overwhelming seem easy.

Hurry and take advantage of the December discount - this class is only $89 if you sign up by the end of the month, using code Earlybird2013. Keep scrolling for more details.

Wedding and Portrait Photographyloving the Minnesota snowWho should attend?

*Photographers new to their camera and photography and those that are interested in knowing how their camera works and learning how to improve their images.

*Bloggers or small business owners wanting to learn the ins and outs of utilizing social media to increase awareness of your brand, including Facebook for business, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and more.

Cost Includes:

- Over 3.5 hours of hands-on teaching with Noemi Hedrick (Photographer) and Cate Mezyk from Wildruffle (Blogging and Social Media Expert)

- Technical & Creative on the spot training

- Discovering how to gain followers that will truly connect with you and your business and how to drive traffic to your site through social media.

- Learning how to get consistently accurate exposures in changing lighting situations

- Interacting with models, natural posing techniques, capturing images with impact

- Q&A during and after shoot to discuss challenges


Bring your digital SLR camera/point and shoot for the photography portion. We also recommend that you bring a smartphone, and a laptop/iPad for the social media portion.

Preferred lens is a 70-200mm to keep everyone at the same shooting distance so we don't get in each other's way. You can bring other lenses as long as you are considerate and avoid standing in front of other attendees during the shoot. All gear should be stored on your person to keep you mobile. Bring paper and pen for on-the-go note-taking.

  • Date - Saturday, February 8th, 2014
  • Time - 1:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Location - Meeting Location will be emailed to attendees.
  • Cost $99.00 ($89 PROMO CODE: Earlybird2013)
  • Level: Beginner (no prior knowledge of: blogging, social media or DSLR camera needed)

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Noemi Hedrick

Noemi Hedrick is a passionate wedding and portrait photographer based in Minneapolis. Noemi loves capturing the beauty inside every person. Her vibrant energy for life, love and family are grounded in her own values and loved ones. Noemi has been proudly serving as a wedding photographer for over 15 years and also offers a wide range of photography workshops for professional and amateur photographers.