Individual FOCUSED Photography Mentoring

Individual FOCUSED Photography Mentoring…is about learning what makes an image good. And then, taking risks to make images great.

Wedding and Portrait Photography

Wedding and Portrait Photography

Wedding and Portrait Photography

I have been teaching workshops for years and recently decided to mentor more intentionally and customize the mentoring for each individual.

I've started to mentor one-on-one!
This can be a one day session (including: a live shoot, review of website/branding/social media and individual question and answer time)


Meeting once a month for 6 months. (Meeting monthly allows time for mentoring and developing your style and business.)
If either of these interest you, please contact me directly (
I love mentoring and have always encouraged people to ask me anything about photography and business…now I have an organized way to help and I'm really excited about it!
I've already started working with a few women and they are so lovely! We are sharpening each other every day in our closed Facebook page: posting images, offering encouragement and critiques, asking questions and getting answers.
One of the ladies posted this sweet review the other day, "I had my first mentoring session with Noemi yesterday and I just want to say it was wonderful. A person is never sure what you are going to get when you sign up for a class, in the past I was always hoping that it was going to be the one that will help me advance, but was always disappointed. After yesterday, I am very confident that I chose very well this time. Noemi is very patient, explains everything so well and in detail, and is just a fun person to be with. I came away from this session with a little more bounce in my step, understanding my camera better and more confidence than I have ever had. I am so looking forward to our future sessions, working with this talented mentoring group and growing in so many ways."
Can't wait to get to know you and help you grow as a photographer. :)

Noemi Hedrick

Noemi Hedrick is a passionate wedding and portrait photographer based in Minneapolis. Noemi loves capturing the beauty inside every person. Her vibrant energy for life, love and family are grounded in her own values and loved ones. Noemi has been proudly serving as a wedding photographer for over 15 years and also offers a wide range of photography workshops for professional and amateur photographers.